In the coastal areas devastated by the tsunami after the Great East Japan Earthquake, a single sunflower seed floating in the wreckage found its way to the soil, sprouted, and bloomed with a large flower. This was the first “indomitable sunflower.”
After blooming expansively, it cast its seeds far and wide, and its Invincible and encouraging spirit is moving from one region to the next, spreading out all over the world.
The “1st generation indomitable sunflower” that bloomed in the summer of 2011 passed its genes on to the next generation, and the Tohoku Future Light of Happiness hall is currently distributing “indomitable sunflower” seeds in hopes that information about the disaster can be passed down to the children of the future through these flowers.
Please plant sunflowers in your area and send in pictures of them as they grow.
We hope these sunflowers will provide an encouraging bond and spread smiles all over the world.